Google’s secret social networking project is delayed

Gigitaltrends (2010-11-30) –Looks like Facebook can dominate the market a little bit longer, as Google is pushing back its social plans as far back as April 2011. You win some, you lose some. As Google is rumored to be closing a deal to acquire wildly popular Groupon, it’s also delaying the launch of its social networking feature. Dubbed “Google Me” by …

Happy belated 10 year birthday Google AdWords!

Completely missed such an anniversary. Google AdWords turned 10 on October 23. Amazing what has happened since 10 years ago. When the program launched on 23 October 2000, it had only 350 customers who paid per one thousand impressions. That was probably the best time to sign up with Google AdWords. Nowadays, the cost of a click for some of …