What’s Google AdWords and how it may help small businesses

Most business owners have come across Google Adwords advertisements and may not have realized, others may realize that Adwords marketing is what you are seeing down the side and above the main Google results: with a yellow background labeled as ads. If you have realized that this is what Adwords is you still may not …

Google’s Third Quarter Earnings Show Search Advertising Is On The Rise

In three quarters of 2011 Google has made $27,321B comparing to $29,321B Google had made in 2010. No questions, 2011 will be the best year ever for Google and I predict that in the 4 th quarter of 2011 Google will make the quarter record of around $11B. As you may know, most of Google’s  revenue …

IB Systems, Tampa’s IT Support Company Announcing a New Website

IBSI, Innovative Business Systems aren’t exactly a new company: they are well known for their computer support services and lotus notes support in Tampa Florida, this is by no means all they do though and a new website for the business is set to be launched in order to make it easier for Florida businesses …

Economy Forces Tampa Businesses to Reconsider Marketing Effectiveness

Things are tough for all sorts of businesses in the US and for many businesses this means that increasing staff numbers are the last thing they will be thinking about, many of course are cutting jobs. None the less nationwide the unemployment rate has stayed at 9.1% ; in Tampa though it seems things may …

Why you are suffering the Google Sandbox effect and how to get out

There are a couple of ways Google can ruin your visitor numbers and potentially ruin your business. These are a new algorithm and the sandbox effect, either can completely remove your links but is unlikely to do this and  may just negatively effect your rankings. With an algorithm change the way Google ranks all sites …

Small Business Should Use SEO To Be Competitive In A Down Economy

We’ve all been told the saying surviving of the fittest; this doesn’t only work with fitness although it’s surviving for anyone who actually does something beneficial to clients better than everyone else, operating a business it really is at any rate. For a small business it can appear difficult to take on larger competition and …